Tour Policies


  • Full refund (less the cancellation fee) will be issued if prior to cancellation cutoff (Tuesday @ 11:59pm before event)

  • NO refunds will be issued if less than 48 hours before start of tournament including cancellation fee regardless of filling spot with a waitlist player

  • Full refund (less the cancellation fee) may be issued if cancellation occurs between cancellation cutoff time and 48 hours prior to event if spot can be filled from waitlist. If spot can not be filled, then no refund will be issued.

Severe Weather

  • For inclement weather on day of event, the Tour Directors will provide input/communication on status of event. Final decision is at the sole discretion of the course.

  • For delays, golfers should remain at venue in a safe location until further direction is given on status of play. Decisions will be made in-person (if possible) or via email.

  • If event gets shortened to 9 hole event, this will be considered as the full event. Final standings/scores will be determined by the 9 hole score.

  • If the course offers rainchecks or event is re-scheduled, then no refunds will be given

  • Due to some contract obligations, refunds will be reviewed on case by case basis

Cart and Walking Policies

  • Cart fees are included with registration

  • Any allowance or fees for single-riding carts are determined by and paid directly to course

  • Walking is only permitted at the discretion of the course. Walking availability per event may be available in description.

  • Requests to walk where applicable, must be submitted to tour managers 48 hours prior to event. Walkers are required to keep up with pace of play expectations.

    *No reduction in registration fee or discounts will be given for golfers that opt to walk

Caddies and Spectators

  • Caddies and outside advice are NOT allowed at Queen City Golf Tour events

  • 2 stroke penalty will be assessed for receiving and/ or giving advice for the hole that the advice was given (consistent with USGA rule 10.2.a)

  • Spectators may be allowed at the discretion of the course. Players will need to confirm with the course that spectators are allowed and that carts will be available to spectators if needed.

  • Spectators must keep up with the group they are following

Derogatory Language

  • Derogatory language is not permitted at ANY time during Queen City Golf Tour events

  • Any derogatory language or actions directed at tour officials, course officials / staff, other players, and spectators will result in immediate removal from the tour.

  • *NO refund will be issued for the event that the violation occurred. For future events that the golfer(s) pre-registered for, 100% of registration fee will be returned. Golfers will not be able to return to tour for remainder of the season. For the golfer to return to compete in the tour for the following season, a written request to rejoin the tour must be sent to tour directors and will require approval by players panel and tour directors.


  • Registered golfers who do not show to an event, will forfeit their registration fee and additional league penalties may occur at the discretion of the tour managers/players panel.

  • Each case will be reviewed and if deemed to be a valid reason, then further penalties may not be enforced.

  • Due to commitment to course, we CAN NOT issue a refund on registration


  • Substitutes may be considered if provided more than 48 hours in advance if no waitlist exists.

  • If golfer who can’t attend finds a substitute more than 48 hours in advance of event, then it is between those players to work out registration fee. If there is a waitlist in registration, then priority will be given to those on waitlist for opening. If a waitlist player is able to play and fill spot, then a refund will be issued to the withdrawn golfer if before 48 hours of event. Any filled spot within 48 hours of an event, there will be no registration refund.

  • If no waitlist players are available, then the substitute policy can be used. It is the responsibility of the withdrawn golfer to inform substitute of rules, polices, tee times, etc. Notification to Queen City Golf Tour of substitutes email and name is the responsibility of the withdrawn golfer.


  • Golfers who withdraw prior to Monday before the event, may receive 100% refund of registration fee less the cancellation fee. Please see cancellation policy for further details.

Withdrawals (Mid-Round)

  • Golfers who withdraw during a round for any reason, will receive a max score on each hole not played.

  • Leaderboard points will not be awarded to a golfer who withdraws mid-round

  • NO refunds will be issued for withdrawal mid-round.


  • Golfers are required to check-in at the registration table prior to beginning their round

  • Golfers should arrive to course at least 20min before start of tee time in order to get checked in and hear any tournament specific rules from tour directors

  • Golfers should arrive to the tee box 5min prior to tee time in order to keep pace of play

Late Arrivals:

  • If a golfer arrives after their tee time, that golfer will be considered late. Max score of triple bogey will be applied to every hole that they miss.

  • Multiple occurrences will result in further penalties and / or suspension

  • Golfer may not move tee times for late arrival. They will be required to catch up to their assigned group and play remaining holes. NO raincheck or refund will be provided for missed holes.